Alternative Health: ORGINAL MESSAGE
If the alternative health advice Mrs. Kusnadi, his family was not followed, may Dadang Subrata, deputy director of PT Bank Nusantara Market is already have to undergo regular dialysis. Or even he had to lose their kidneys. Breadfruit leaf decoction is drunk regularly, making him free activity, alternative health . Before drinking the traditional ingredients, pain in the waist is always disturbing activities. Body tired, lethargic, and his face looked pale. Especially if you want to pee, "It's really tormented. Could for hours just to drop of urine, "he explained. Suggestions Mrs. Kusnadi to drink a decoction of leaves of breadfruit was coming at a critical time. At that time, the result of intensive investigation at Gatot Subroto hospital early in 1999 showed, left kidney 70-year-old man was not working. Dadang know after chronic illness. "Previously I had no complaints with the kidneys," explained the man was born in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. Occasionally he had felt back pain. However, he thinks just because the work accomplished. Moreover, he does not feel pain during urine waste.
But, Dadang remains doubtful because of body weight decreased, from 80 kg to 60 kg. Initially he was taken to the Harapan Kita Heart Hospital. However, otherwise healthy heart. Finally, he came to the Gatot Subroto Hospital, for the inspection of the kidney, known to have kidney failure to the left. Dadang It may not have to wash the blood. For according to Dr. H. j. Pudji Rahardjo, Head of Sub Section Cipto Mangunkusumo kidney, kidney failure patients do not have to wash the blood when only one kidney is not functioning.
Source: Share of Friends, In Indonesian Health Info 2007